Cities and regions of the future need modern, sustainable mobility. Various measures - from public transport expansion to neighborhood mobility in the sense of a 15-minute city - are up for debate. Evaluating the impact of these complex measures is a major challenge. On the one hand, small-scale analyses are required, but on the other hand, the evaluation and analysis should also be practice-oriented and easy to communicate.
The aim of the project is to develop a digital planning tool (GOAT 3.0). By integrating analyses and scenarios for multimodal mobility (with various means of transport) via an easy-to-use interactive web interface, various spatial levels are served (grid, districts, municipality). In addition, various facility objectives such as education, health, recreation, etc. are taken into account. This is accompanied by the development of new approaches to data preparation, fusion and refinement as well as the development of small-scale estimation of population distributions using AI.
A recurring (iterative) and software development process involving application partners from four pilot regions (Munich, Rhine-Neckar, Görlitz and Bonn) is central to this project. Requirements for real planning issues are recorded with the help of surveys and interviews, prototypes are developed co-creatively and tested in user workshops. This participatory approach enables the development of empirically validated accessibility indicators (e.g. for the 15-minute city, services of general interest or public transport services).
At the end of the project, GOAT 3.0 is a fully comprehensive and interactive planning tool. The mobility of tomorrow can be planned, designed and evaluated efficiently and effectively via a simple user interface. At the same time, a basis for future innovations is created by validating, refining and opening up data.