Indicators and monitoring for landscape transformation and indicators' significance for ecosystems and biodiversity

The LÖBiDat project collects data from various research projects from the research area ‘Landscape, Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ and prepares the data for further use in science and society. The IOER Research Data Centre's newly established "Information System for Germany's Ecosystems" presents the research data processed into indicators.

The Information System for Germany's Ecosystems is divided into four main chapters:

It offers a thematic overview of the content found in these chapters. The extent, characteristics, services and significance of landscapes and ecosystems are analysed quantitatively and spatially. Using this data, assessments have been made on aspects such as biological diversity, ecological functionality, quality of life (including health, identity, and freedom of choice), and environmental justice.

Furthermore, the information system includes tools for assessing ecosystems along with scripts featuring calculation algorithms. These results, acting as a starting point, encourage the ongoing improvement of methods and spark broad social discussions regarding suitable strategies and tools for safeguarding landscapes, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

Project description

The goal is to provide regularly updated indicators reflecting socially significant reference values. These indicators will be presented through maps, tables, and graphics, available for download. The rules, algorithms, and calculation scripts adhere to the IOER's "FAIR" open data policy (FAIR = findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability). The provided information aids in identifying strategies and planning instruments that can contribute to the protection, restoration, and enhancement of the quality of landscapes, ecosystems, and biodiversity in diverse geographical contexts.

The project initiates a systematic search process to identify from the research data research area Landscape, Ecosystems and Biodiversity aligning with the IOER Research Data Centre concept. This research data will be accessible to both the scientific community and the general public. The goal is to determine if such data provides insights into relevant social transformation processes toward greater sustainability. The findings will be articulated and disseminated in an easily understandable manner. Monitoring processes are established for indicators deemed particularly suitable, ensuring regular and forward-looking observation of critical parameters and variables.

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.

FS Sachsen

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.