
Cross-Border Transformation Center


The funding area, the Saxon-Polish border region, is undergoing profound transformation. Climate change and environmental shifts, renewable energies and the foreseeable phase-out of coal mining, population aging and migration, especially of well-educated segments of the workforce, social change, digitization, and altered working conditions are all overlapping and complex challenges in the funding area. The intensification of cross-border cooperation within the TriLand project will contribute to leveraging experiences on both sides of the border to develop best practices and avoid repeating mistakes from the past. The overarching (political) goal of the TriLand project is to promote sustainable development and enhance the competitiveness of the funding area with regard to the energy transition and coal phase-out.


Capacity building among decision-makers to address current and future challenges of the regional transformation process related to demography, labor market, economy, environment, and climate change, as well as natural and cultural heritage.

Linking knowledge bases on the Polish and German sides, as well as between sectors (policy, administration, economy, civil society, science).

Establishment of a platform for better horizontal (German-Polish) and vertical (between sectors and administrative levels) coordination and intensification of cooperation between cross-border institutions.

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.

FS Sachsen

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.