STRIMA-DD - Application and review of a flood damage information system at municipal level using the example of the city of Dresden – analysis and implications
The management of flood risks requires accurate estimates of damage caused by past flooding events as well as reliable forecasting of the potential damage from future floods. As a contribution to the EU Ziel 3 / Cíl 3 – Project Saxon-Czech Flood Risk Management (STRIMA), a module determining flood damage to buildings at municipal level was to described, applied, and analysed using the example of the city of Dresden. It was intended that this module will form one component of an integrated system to monitor and to provide information on flood damage to buildings and other receptors exposed to flood risks.
The contribution of the IOER focused on the identification and reduction of uncertainties in the calculation of flood damage to buildings by analysing additional damage-relevant building parameters. The aim was to integrate these parameters in an already tested national and international system to determine the vulnerability of buildings using synthetic depth-damage functions and a building typology. The specific feature of the adapted approach is characterised by site-specific investigations, an engineering perspective as well as reproducible refurbishment costs.
The module with the refined methodology was applied to various flood risk areas of Dresden. This permitted for the very first time the implementation of object-related parameters as well as the testing of a targeted, customisation of depth-damage functions. In this way it was possible to derive useful information that can assist in advising citizens affected by flood risks. For this purpose the approach provides a valuable framework to estimate the flood risks of buildings and assist the development of building-related flood precaution concepts.
Naumann, Thomas; Golz, Sebastian; Schinke, Reinhard: Parametrisierte synthetische Schadensfunktionen zur Abschätzung hochwasserinduzierter Gebäudeschäden; In: WasserWirtschaft (2015) 9, S.28-32; DOI: 10.1007/s35147-015-0575-2