In order to realise the goal of creating living space in Germany, it is vital to take account of household structures and the requirements of residents in various phases of life. With the focus on secure and independent life for senior citizens, we require age-adapted, largely barrier-free architecture as well as the application of technical support systems.
In the interdisciplinary scientific preliminary project MATI, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, a project group is developing a new approach to ensuring demographically sustainable buildings that meet the needs of all generations. The project partners are the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Architecture in Demographic Change" at the TU Dresden, the Faculty of Computer Science at the TU Dresden, the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) as well as the Verband Sächsischer Wohnungsgenossenschaften e. V. (VSWG).
The IOER is developing an overview of successfully implemented models of human-architecture-technology interaction regarding housing for the elderly. The current status of initiatives on the implementation of best practice models is reviewed, and leads to a selection of such projects for closer analysis. The project investigates the planning processes, the cooperation between architects and building services engineers as well as the integration of users' requirements. In particular, the applied methods of communication and the exchange of expertise are examined. The goal is to reveal obstacles to the implementation of MATI and to develop ways to overcome these. A further step is to evaluate the experiences of users. The important question here is whether the behaviour of users can hinder the implementation of MATI.
The results will be discussed at the conference "TRANSFORMED LIVING: HUMAN-ARCHITECTURE-TECHNOLOGY" to be held in Dresden on 5 NOVEMBER 2015.
Further information about the project
Banse, Juliane; Engelien, Heike; KleinJan, Gerrie; Markewitz, Annett: Wohnen und Technik - Aspekte der Planung, Umsetzung und Nutzung (2016): In: Marquardt, Gesine (Hrsg.): MATI: Mensch - Architektur - Technik - Interaktion für demografische Nachhaltigkeit. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2016, S. 68-97