Fully booked! Doors open with the Mouse 2021 - discover the city of the future at the IOER

The TV programme "The Mouse" on WDR television is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. To celebrate it, there will be a day of action on 3 October called "Doors open with the Mouse" (Türen auf mit der Maus). On this day, we at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) invites children and families under the heading “Hello Future!” to discover the city of the future.

We invite children between the ages of 6 and 12 to join us for the "Doors Open with the Mouse" day on 3 October. We will explore the city of the future with you. How have cities developed in the past? What do we learn from this for the future? What does an edible city look like? How can we shape cities so that not only people, but also many animals and plants feel comfortable there? What are your ideas and wishes for the city of the future?
On "Doors open with the Mouse" day, we invite you to the IOER at Weberplatz in Dresden at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. We will take you on a short excursion and take a closer look at the city around our institute. Afterwards, you can put your ideas for the city of the future into practice at our handicraft station.

The event is fully booked, unfortunately registration is no longer possible.

More information on "Türen auf mit der Maus" (in German)

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.

FS Sachsen

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.