Phone +49 (0)351 46 79 227
Senior scientist and project leader, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development Dresden
Freelance work as geoecologist
Assistant Professor at the University of Technology Dresden
Scientific Employee in Potsdam and Dresden
Venia legende in Physical Geography/Geoecology
PhD-Student at the University of Potsdam, Institut of Geography
Dissertation: Dr. rer.nat. of Physical Geography / Geoecology with "summa cum laude"
Teacher at a High School in Schwerin
Author/Editor of 12 books
University of Potsdam: Study of Mathematics, Geography and Pedagogy
Military Service in Havelberg
High School in Ludwigslust
CICADA4CE - Efficiency of the ClImate Change ADAptation management by integration of ecosystem services and smart social approaches in Central European cities
EA-Armenia - Ecosystem Accounting in Armenia: Setting the Scene
BWI- Biodiversity-friendly economic growth: updating and developing recommendations for sustainable welfare indicators
Faktencheck Artenvielfalt, coordinating lead author of the chapter "Transformations Potential"
Grün-Indikatoren - Monitoring of the indicator "green provision" and update of the national ecosystem service indicator "accessibility of public green spaces" in cities
EU-COST Projekt: CA21125 - A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (MARGISTAR) (Duration: 2022-2026) - MC Member
HeatResilientCity II - Heat adaptation of urban building and settlement structures - Actor-oriented implementation support for increasing climate resilience and health care (Duration: 2021-2023)
HeatResilientCity - Hitzeresiliente Stadt- und Quartiersentwicklung in Großstädten - Bewohnerorientierte Wissensgenerierung und Umsetzung in Dresden und Erfurt (Duration: 2017-2021, BMBF)
The HeatResilientCity project has won the German Sustainability Award for Research 2022.
Accounting II - Ecosystem services and environmental-economic accounting - Digital assessment (Duration: 09/2020-05/2024)
Accounting I - Integration of ecosystems and ecosystem services into environmental economic accounting. Theoretical framework conditions and methodological principles (Duration: 2017-2020, BfN)
Bio-Mo-D - Appreciating biodiversity - modernising economic accounting in Germany (Duration: 10/2021-09/2024)
Weiter-ÖSL - Further development of the nationwide indicator set for ecosystem services - subprojects a) and c) (Duration: 09/2018- 02/2021)
BIDELIN - The value of ecosystem services, biodiversity and blue-green infrastructures in cities, exemplified by Dresden, Liberec and Děčín (Duration: 2017-2020, INTERREG V A)
DiSeMiNation - Digging into Sediments and Microbes for Nature conservation - Identifying the drivers of ecosystem processes for spatial conservation planning (Duration: 2017-2020, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft)
TEEB Russia II - Erfassung und Bewertung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen in Russland - die Bedeutung für nationales Management und Perspektiven für internationale Prozesse (Duration: 2017-2020, BfN/BMUB)
Towards Green Cities - The Values of Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in China and Germany (Duration: 2015-2017, BfN)
Ecosystem services at the national level in Germany - Development and implementation of a methodology for capturing and assessing ecosystem services at the federal level in the context of the implementation of Target 2 and Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 (Duration: 2014-2016, BfN/BMU)
Ecosystem based information system covering sensitive mountain areas in Bulgaria (2014-2015, DAAD)
SENSFOR Cost action (ES1203) - Enhancing the resilience capacity of SENSitive mountain FORest ecosystems under environmental change (Duration: 2013-2016, EU)
TEEBi-Russ - Ecosystem services evaluation in Russia and other NIS countries of Northern Eurasia: first steps (Duration: 2013-2016, BfN/BMU)
ESRuG - Enhancing ecosystem services valuation frameworks through comparable studies in Russia and Germany (Duration: 2012-2013, DFG)
LÖBESTEIN - An acronym for: Land use management systems, ecosystem services and biodiversity – the development of regulatory measures using the example of biomass for energy purposes (Duration: 2010-2013, BMBF)
Landschaftsökologische Charakterisierung der naturräumlichen Potentiale, Empfindlichkeiten und der Landnutzung in Sachsen (Duration: 2009, LfULG Sachsen)
ÖSD - Bewertung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen (Duration: 2009-2012, TU Dresden)
Landschaftspflegestrategie Sachsen 2020 (Duration: 2009-2012, LfULG Sachsen)