Spatial analysis, spatial development in rural areas, infill development potentials and vacant lots, reactivation strategies for vacant buildings
Professional Experience
since 2021
Research associate at IÖR and PhD student at IÖR and Technical University of Munich
Research associate at the Technical University of Munich, Chair of Sustainable Urbanism and coordinator of the Master's program Urbanism – Landscape and City
Student assistant at the Institute for Urban Planning and Housing (ISW)
Student assistant Technical University Graz, Institute of Architecture and Landscape
Master of Science, Urbanism - Landscape and City, Technical University of Munich
Bachelor of Science, Architecture, Technical University Graz
Akademieförderpreis für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs 2018 der Bayerischen Akademie Ländlicher Raum e.V. for the master thesis: Strategy for the coordinated development of four small towns
TTS - Trends and tendencies in settlement development and their effects on the achievement of federal land policy goals (German Environment Agency - UBA)